Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Tutorial 1: A brief intro.

Before we really go into networking proper, you’ve got to understand the big picture and then
the answer to the key question, Why is it so important to learn networking, Cisco internetworking to be precise?

Networks and networking have grown exponentially over the past few years. They’ve had to evolve at light speed just to keep up with huge increases in user needs such as sharing data and printers as well as more advanced demands such as videoconferencing. Unless everyone who needs to share network resources is located in the same office area (an increasingly uncommon situation), the challenge is to connect the sometimes many relevant networks together so all users can share the networks’ wealth.

A basic LAN (Local Area Network) network can be connected together using a hub. This network is actually one collision domain and one broadcast domain. I’m sure you have no idea what this means. Not to worry, more light will be shed on this as the turorial goes on.

In the next tutorial, I’ll be introducing you to basic internetworking. I mean Ethernet cabling and how to use it.  For clarity on issues, just leave a comment.

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