Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Dear CEO,
As you requested, I'm writing to present to you my quotation for my services as your network administrator. After my previous consults for your feasibility report , the cost of purchasing the office networking devices and the network configuration of your computer systems, I'll be charging xxx,xxx....

Take it or leave it, a good network administrator who knows the value of his service would not collect anything less than  a six-figure salary, depending on the size of the company and the magnitude of his service. Therefore, as the owner of a business start-up, considering all other expenses you have to make in order to get the business up and running, do you have that kind of money for starters?

You might say, "oh, if that's the case, then I don't need to have my computers networked." If that's your mentality in this day and age, throw it away. Which do you think is better; your employee running from one end of the building to the other countless number of times just to deliver some documents to you or she just staying in her office and sending the documents via the computer. The latter would save a whole lot of time and as the saying goes,"time is money."

Getting an insider to do the job for you would save you a lot of money. That insider doesn't have to be a professional networker to do the surface networking for your company. He/She just needs to know the basics. In the following posts, I'll be giving you insights into the kind of network your business can have depending on its nature, its arrangement, configuration, and more.
You really don't need some professional zapping cash from your account when you can equally do it yourself.

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