Monday, June 20, 2011

For Starters

Consider this situation in a company:
Technician: The server is down!!! The server is down!!!
Boss: What's all the fuss about? Go put on the generator.
Technician: (After a few minutes) Sir, something is wrong with the generator.
Boss : (Starting to panic) What of the inverters?
Technician: There's been a break in connection, there's no output.
Boss: (Now in a state of dilemma) The UPS?
Technician: They'll be off in less than 2 minutes.
Boss: Ahhhhhh!!

        This must have been a 15th century company. They don't know about backup and must be ignorant of the saying,"Precaution is better than cure." If your company falls in this category, then you'll need a whole lot of restructuring to do. Believe me, it's nothing personal, it's just for your own good.
        By now you must have guessed that I'm not referring to big companies that have multiple branches or multinationals or corporations. This mainly goes to business startups who have a little 'know-how' of IT or have limited capital to get the right office power appliances.

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